Taking Fear out of Finance with Heather Zeitzwolfe

“She was born into a family of entertainers, but as a little girl she was intrigued by play money. So, she grew up and shifted through art to business. It all worked together for this artsy personality because she, through hormones, hot flashes, and debt, ended up starting her business in her 50’s! Come in and listen to this chat and get some critical keys to doing that for yourself. It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Heather Zeitzwolfe The “Vegan CPA!” She’s an accountant, a creative, and another energetic and successful F50Woman.”

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Becoming Perfectly Imperfect with Mary Kathrine Morales

“Filled with dreams the size of Texas one day and feelings of unworthiness the next; she overcame being different just to end up becoming a perfectionist which would then lead her into addiction. But she always believed in God and after a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit she fought through to sobriety. She’s more than a success story. She’s a powerful, trusting, and authentic God-filled F50Woman.”

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Intersection of Desperation and Grace with Nancy McKay

“As a teen she was a self-conscious people-pleasing rule-follower until she found alcohol. And that deceitful friend would keep her out of balance for many years. She would drop out of college and get married for the first time after only dating for two weeks. But there is never such thing as too late, Nancy, at the age of 60, finally came into her own. Now she’s a “Recoveror.” She’s a survivor who’s choosing to thrive. Now, Nancy McKay is a self-confident, self-validated life-coach and another flourishing and phenomenal F50Woman.”

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Conversation With My Older Self with Zoë Routh

“She came out of the womb wanting to explore the world. And once she found kayaking at camp, her love for the outdoors was solidified. But, like the rest of us she had to grow up. So, she shifted her focus and went to school. It would take her eight years to earn her bachelor’s degree. But she never stopped looking to see what was on the horizon. She would finally rise and realized that it was the blend of exploration, adventure, and people that made her, her. Tune in and listen to this chat with Zoë Routh; leader, coach, and overcomer and one strong and steady F50Woman.”

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Happiness Reloaded with Romana Hasenohrl

“She grew up as a farmers girl who always dreamt about being a writer. But when she grew up, she landed in broadcasting. And after 17 years in broadcasting, she would find out that she was fired by mail, when on holiday! Little did she realize at the time, that would be the thing that would free her into happiness. Come and listen to this chat with a woman whose story illustrates how pushing through today’s challenges reveals tomorrow’s joy. Come in and meet Romana she’s an astrologer, a published writer, and another perseverant and joy-filled F50Woman.”

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Equity is a Love Language with Sonia Lewis

“Born a rebel she experienced alienation early. But that never deterred her from her life’s purpose. Her father dealt with his struggles very differently than her mother and she learned from them both. As a result, she has grown into her own position on diversity and equity and now Sonia Lewis is calling for openness and reconciliation in the hope of creating a world where all its children can play on a leveled playing field. Whether this talk encourages you to be bolder or pushes your buttons, it’s another boundary breaking true story that we all need to hear from another bold and fearless F50Woman.”

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Own the Message with Terre Short

“Do people in your life keep telling you what you can’t or won’t ever do? Well, this woman, very early in her life, wanted to change the world but, people kept telling her what she couldn’t do. Despite the doubters, she continued to rise and achieve whatever she set out to do because her father had already infused her with an unshakeable and undeniable belief that she could do anything. Come and listen to how one woman never doubted herself and how she is helping others to thrive by being intentional with the words that they chose! This is another powerful story filled with real-life lessons from Terre Short another incredible and intentional F50Woman.”

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Becoming Centered with Juli Geske-Peer

“Because the trauma she endured at an early age remained unaddressed, this naturally sensitive child was left feeling unsupported and helpless. Ill-equipped, she would move forward from there to make some questionable choices. However, slowly but surely, she would make her way to college, through grad school, and on to marriage. Now, she’s a writer, a coach, and a mediator with an amazingly healthy perspective about all the hurts in her life. Stay tuned and hear how Juli Geske-Peer persevered through childhood trauma, divorce, cancer, and more to become one seriously centered F50Woman.”

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Brownies for Breakfast with Lynne Bowman

“Every time the grease in my frying pan starts poppin’, I think of her and dream of better food. She’s Lynne Bowman and her story is one of loss, survival, and healing. She is a glowing 75-year-old woman who eats ‘Brownies for Breakfast!’ I want to eat brownies for breakfast and still look that amazing! She says that we can eat chocolate and be fully alive, healthy, and even diabetes free! Stay and give your full attention to this chat with Lynn, with an e, Bowman; creative director, advertising manager, actress, makeup artist, screen writer, and author of a new and amazing book titled “Brownies for Breakfast.” Sold out for your health, she’s one energized and fully alive F50Woman.”

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Becoming Work Optional with Walli Miller

“As a young girl she had everything she needed, but not the things that she wanted. As she grew, she gained prosperity through employment, and she finally was able to get all the things she wanted. But this first-generation college student’s money mindset would send her life into financial imbalance. Until life knocked her into consciousness, and before she knew it, she was a Millionaire. Now she spends her time and energy helping others to financially thrive. And, yes, if you’re a woman over 50, like me, you can financially thrive too. And this is the perfect place to start – right here with this chat with Walli Miller, financial coach and one mindful and prepared Up-and-Coming F50Woman.”

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Becoming You with Renita Alexander and Veronica Williams

“Do you want the world to change? Do you want your community to rise? Do you want your family to thrive? Do you want to have a better life? Then Get a Notebook! A new year is dawning. A new season in your life is beginning. From wherever you’re listening - whenever you’re listening, this episode applies to your life, right now. Because all positive change begins with you. Come in and learn about leadership from the inside out from Renita Alexander and Veronica Williams, two leading ladies, two experienced and wise F0Women. Why should you tune in at your age? Because We’re Not Done Yet!!”

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Finding Epic Love with Holly Battey

“As a young woman she explored her passions and searched for purpose. This search took her on a long journey to Africa. And on this journey, like most of us, she hoped to find real love. But after several attempts to find love, this hopeful romantic surprisingly wrote men off and wasn’t sure whether it would be for weeks, months, or years. She focused the next chapter of her life healing and transforming from the inside out. And it was after doing much inner work that she manifested Epic Love. And now she empowers conscious singles to go from single to soulmate at any age! Come and listen to Dr. Holly Battey, psychologist, matchmaker, coach, and image consultant. This is the story of another extraordinary F50Woman.”

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Finding Lady Lemon Drop with Kym Dakin

“As a young girl, she was absent minded, curious, and wide open. But she would grow into a woman who learned the boundaries of caution and how to turn curiosity into creation. She’s a seasoned theatre professional, a national award-winning narrator, intrigued by solving real people problems, and she’s discovered how to use her acting skills to help people. Come in and listen to Kym Dakin’s story. Her presence is soothing, and her purpose is clear and she’s another phenomenal F50Woman.”

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Political Theology Matters with Marcia Ledford

“What if the deviations in your life were meant to teach you that one lesson you are supposed to use to help the world? Well, this woman as a young girl sensed she was called to the ministry. But, when she came out, she had a falling out with God. Her journey taught her some critical life lessons. And after practicing for years as an attorney, Marcia Ledford, in her late 40s finally answered God’s call. Come and listen to this woman as she shares with us how she successfully and passionately combines law, politics, theology, and social justice. She’s a Civil Rights Attorney, a Doctor of Ministry in Political Theology, and another wise and wonderful F50Woman.”

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Connecting to Yourself with Jenny Mason

“She was born in South Africa during the age of apartheid, which inspired her to want to expose injustice to the world, so she became an accountant!! Yes, you heard me right, she became an accountant. But that’s because life blinded her from her truth, and she got derailed from her purpose. But the flood gates finally opened, and now she’s not exposing others to the world, she’s exposing others to themselves. Come in and hear her whole journey. As I chat with Jenny Mason from across the sea, you might learn how to find your truth too. She’s a businesswoman, she’s a single mom, she’s a transformational coach. Come in and listen to this talented and spiritual F50Woman.”

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Changing Perspectives with Jennifer Steil

“As a young girl she was an idealist, naive, and resistant to staying in any job for any extended period of time. She had a passion for theatre and a talent with the written word. Born in the United States, she would eventually and unexpectedly be called overseas to her greatest adventure and to the love of her life. She started out living in Massachusetts and she’s now sharing her life with us from Uzbekistan. She’s an award-winning author and journalist and a complete joy to speak with. Please join me as I chat with Jennifer Steil, another incredibly resilient F50Woman.”

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Executive Mosaic with Helen Corey

“Learning by doing, this young girl was always asking questions and that habit was the catalyst to her building multiple companies. Contrary to what we think powerful businesswomen do, she made it a point to always discover what made her happy, and when she did, she’d simply shift careers. From Human Resources, to Energy, to Health & Wellness Venture Capital leadership, she’s an international leader. But don’t be fooled by her Resume, her skills transcend the box of business building. She understands people and is aware of who she is. Take a minute and sit in on this chat with Helen Corey she’s filled with humble confidence, and she’s another powerful F50Woman.”

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Lemons in My Life with Veronica Williams

“Born the youngest of a large supportive family, she was convicted and kept off the streets by her parents’ faith. They imbued in her a healthy fear of God and as she grew, she took ownership of her own faith. From then to this day, she lives purposefully from within the boundary of her morality as she encourages other women to take their lives to the next level by changing their position in the storm. She has truly lived a life of stewardship. Are you looking for better way? Then listen to this chat with this focused phenomenal F50Woman.”

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The Warrior Way with Leticia Colon de Mejias

“She is a powerhouse, pun intended. As a young girl she was poor but well influenced. She always tried to do the right thing while very much wanting to know the what, the why, and the how of everything. She was fascinated with things that effected society and why humans treated each other the way they did. Now, her confidence is off the charts, but it strangely and wonderfully makes you, when you are with, feel more powerful too. I could listen to this podcast every morning just to get my shot of superpower audio juice. You have to hear this chat with Leticia Colon de Mejias another F50Woman.”

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Being Branches Not Leaves with Felicia Hines

“I got the opportunity to sit with this woman whose character cannot be contained and whose story is bigger than the time we had to chat. She was tossed from home to home as a young girl and she was treated like an outsider. She became hardened and angry. That pain would show up in her body as illness. But she survived. But, she survived to become a who tells it like it is while keeping God in focus. She’s full of life stories. She’s a sister-friend and another F50Woman.”

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