Filling in the Gaps with Sheena Smith

“She didn’t know what it meant when as a young girl she couldn’t stop designing spaces in her head. And it would take happenstance to help her to put a profession onto her passion. My sister Howard University School of Architecture Alum is now a talented international Architect. In college we hung out all the time, but never talked about faith. Now, 30 years later, she attributes her survival and success to God’s hand on her life. With her recent move from Bermuda to north-western Canada, where she is surrounded by nature, she’s looking forward to her next chapter. Listen to the end of this discussion and drink in the faith of another successful god-fearing F50Woman.”

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Multipotentialite with Candy Phillips

“She was a young girl who believed she could do anything. She was a leader. She was a team starter. She was born an advocate and a Multipotentialite, always seeking to effect change. Now, as the Director of Diversity and Workplace Culture, she’s a diversity and inclusion change agent. What’s is a Multipotentialite? Stay tuned and find about that and more as I chat with Candy Phillips one uniquely multifaceted F50Woman.”

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Writing New Chapters with Jeanie Shaw

She always wanted to do something to change the world, and she considered for a minute that going into politics might be the way. But she changed and she grew through challenges, travels, and her pursuit of faith. She spent 45 years leading in the ministry. Now, only a short time after the loss of the love of her life, she sat down with me to chat about it all. I am so grateful for her strength and her willingness to open her heart to all of us. Stay tuned for this chat with a woman who is over 60 and in pursuit of her PhD. Filled with grace, and faith, and wisdom, Jeanie Shaw is coming up next. Just another amazing F50Woman

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So Thankful with Gwaina Wauldon

“Having become a teenage mom, she had a brief brush with youth and instead of letting it break her it fueled her to become the best version of herself. Even with a full plate of challenges she is the most thankful woman I know. I dare you to count how many times she says that she’s thankful and put it in the comments. Then be inspired to see thankfulness in your hardship too. Gwaina is not 50 yet but boy what an Elderwoman she is going to be. Stay tuned-in as I chat with another up-and-coming F50Woman.”

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15 Years Without Mondays with Dr. Whitehead

“As a young girl she always had a passion for education and helping people but how did she end up studying economics. Find out about that and more from this once a teacher, then graduate in economics, then teacher again. Shellonee goes about everything she does with a full heart and a deep desire to change the world. You will be filled with wisdom to grow on when you listen to this chat with soon to be Dr. Shellonnee Chinn Whitehead, another F50Woman.”

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I'm Every Woman with Roxanne Serrao

As a young girl was always a teacher, a giver, a lover, and a friend. And she perfected her craft of giving after a serious health challenge at 50. This Woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, is living her second lease on life with care being sure not to overwhelm herself, take care of her body, and focus completely on what’s important in her life. You have to hear this conversation with my friend Roxanne the year she faced down 60. Listen in to this chat with another F50Woman.

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Acceptance, Sacrifice, Resiliency with Rebecca Lemanski

This young girl started out as a teacher. She, through trial and sacrifice, went on to earn her MSW in Administration working in macro social work. If you have no idea what that is, like me, you’re in the right place listening to the right podcast. At the taping of this chat, she was the Director of Middletown Works, but shortly after this taping she rose to become the Chief Operating Officer at the Prudence Crandall Center. As she continues to rise on the outside professionally, she also grows incredibly on the inside. She’s not 50 yet but, she’s poised to be one of the wisest older women we may ever know. You don’t want to miss this chat with Rebecca Lemanski Executive, MSW, Mother, and dear friend and another up-and-coming F50Woman.

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CHEER with Dr. Raja Staggers

Some girls start out timid and afraid their own bodies. Most of those young girls took decades to understand why, but this girl, now sociologist and race scholar, ran to what she feared and as a result is now empowering whole communities to do the same. She says she’s not done, and I believe her. Come in hear why as we hear from Dr. Raja Staggers, a “round and brown,” sociologist, race scholar, and Executive Director of The CHEER Institute. Stay with us on this ride through the life of another F50Woman.

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Taking up Space in the Room

Some young girls start out shy as a mouse but through the influence of her community stakeholders she emerges as a powerful multidimensional woman who advocates for herself and others out loud. Althea, now Dr. Bates emerged from her cocoon a motivational speaker, brand image consultant, life strategist, and resiliency coach. Althea is a visionary, the passion behind the Project Resiliency Movement and she does is all under the grace of God. This woman is determined to leave no gift behind. You don’t want to miss this story from another F50Woman.

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Breaking Boundaries

Society puts women in buckets. We start off young and desirable, then we turn into a nurturers’, but in the end, we labeled Elder-Woman, which in our society means old, worn, and done. But just because society creates buckets for us, doesn’t mean we need to jump in them. Charlie Reid’s teaching women every day how to change that narrative. She’s teaching women how to listen to their bodies and become unapologetically positive, powerful, and beautiful by redefining the way they show up within themselves. Today we will hear about that and more from Charlie Reid, scientist, health coach, mentor, and another F50Woman.

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Finding Your Voice with Carolyn Alessi

Some young girls start out with challenges that make their dreams seem almost impossible. But girls who grow into women of renown never let their dreams turn into fantasies. They learn how to push past their insecurities, find their voice, become whole, and pivot through some of the biggest challenges of their lives. This is today’s story. Here we go on another steady but challenging ride through the life journey of another F50Woman.

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Building Bridges with Diane Young-Rodney

She was mentored out of her feelings of unworthiness and able to find her way of giving back early in her life. But challenges from changing countries would cause her career to shift tracks. But that is not what changed everything. It was an interaction in one of the most likely places which would reignite her passion and birth her new book. Join me on this ride through Diane Young-Rod’s journey to becoming an advocate, a bridge builder, and a future best-selling author. This is the story of becoming. This is an up-and-coming F50Woman.

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Becoming Love’s Contagion with Carla Tillery

From quirky skinny little girl to C-Suite Executive, some women make the journey look easy and smooth. But no matter how smooth a woman makes it look, challenges always present themselves. But, there are just some women who consciously fall in and out of challenges, making the shift from one life phase to the other look like a well-rehearsed ballet. She is a self-proclaimed “Entraprenista,” on the edge of another smooth life transition, preparing for whatever surprises may come, mindful and aware. Today’s chat is with Carla Tillery, another F50Woman.

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My Perfect Christmas Tree with Yasmin Binns

Some women start off following the rules, trying to walk the straight line, while working to keep everyone else in check according to their standards. Until that pattern is interrupted by God and they are given life circumstances that teach them they may not know everything. It is then that they learn lessons about themselves that shift their minds and their behaviors. Bring yourself to the table with an open mind for today’s chat with another F50Woman.

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At The End of Your Comfort Zone with Trudy Thedford

We were born in the 60’s, children of the boss lady age, we became victims of the lie that a power suit and a corner office will fulfill us. But some women are self-starters. They have gone against the norm, pivoted in their career multiple times. Now they are able to find peace as they look forward to aging on vacation, relaxation and grandchildren. She is no longer bound by the pursuit of the power position, the promise of diets, or the allure of alcohol. This is today’s story. This is another F50Woman.

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Shoulder Taps with Donna Keller Savage (Copy)

We as women start off life happy, innocent, and loved. But after a brush with deceit and hurt, at the hands of a man, we lose ourselves. But somehow, some women, find something that gives them purpose and ultimate power over the evil that tries to consume their self-worth and they come back to themselves to live in continual thankfulness. This is our episode today. This is another F50Woman.

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