30 Days of Discomfort Challenge

Don't shrink from new experiences and customs. Take the cold bath bravely… Make yourself do unpleasant things, so as to gain the upper hand of your soul." ~ W.E.B. Du Bois.

This Challenge will open your mind, spark your growth, shift your mindset into becoming the best person that you can be.


For 30 Days you will be committing to being Purposefully Uncomfortable! Each day you will complete one task that is listed below. It is preferable that you complete them in the order given so as to not choose which one you will do by your comfort level. This is a Discomfort Challenge, after all! Don’t seek to to anything with this list that makes you feel comfortable. Also, to enhance your results, at the end of each day, write down the answer to two (2) Questions:

  • What was your biggest challenge today?

  • What did you learn today?

Here We Go…

  1. Track every step. Every time you move count how many steps you take. Continue to keep a running tally on a piece of paper. *NO PHONE OR WATCH STEP COUNTERS ALLOWED

  2. Turn off Social Media. Don't touch it, don't look at it, turn the notifications OFF.

  3. Set your alarm and get up and stretch your arms up to the ceiling every hour for the entire day

  4. Have a day of silence, NO TALKING ALL DAY. (texting counts as talking)

  5. Say sorry to someone you hurt; call them up, better then out or go see them where they are.

  6. Make a full meal for another family.

  7. Walk or ride your bike to work. If that's not doable for you, walk backwards from your car to your desk or into a store.

  8. Sleep on the floor for the night.

  9. Go for a walk and talk to yourself out load. You can read as book out loud as you walk, recite a poem, pray or just talk to yourself like your a friend. (Talking on the phone to a friend didn't count)

  10. Send 5 people a thank you gift for “just being them.”

  11. Doodle for 1 hour; 1 piece of blank paper at least 8.5 x 11 inches, with only 1 (one) pen or pencil; no breaks, no interruptions, no pausing. Just a constant doodle. No scribbling. Only purposeful doodling.

  12. A day with NO electronics; tv, radio, audible etc.

  13. Send 10 Different People an Appreciation Card telling them why you appreciate them.

  14. Share your favorite book with someone you do not know well; give it to them with a small explanation of what you loved about it. (During quarantine, you can send it to them with a note)

  15. Take a cold shower for at least 60 seconds.

  16. Wake up today 2 hours early and start your day.

  17. Talk to someone new. (A simple hello is not talking) hold at least a short conversation.

  18. Go to bed early sleep for an extra hour (all electronics off, lights off, no confessing with a loved one, actually sleep)

  19. Start and Finish a Crossword: find one below

  20. Ask someone for an honest opinion on something you are wearing.

  21. Donate two (2) items you currently use or wear to charity.

  22. Order a cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite drink sit and drunk it by yourself somewhere in a safe place outside.

  23. Try a new activity; yoga, jogging, puzzle making, singing, Spanish, etc

  24. Say “thank you” for everything your eyes see today.

  25. Make eye contact and smile at a stranger today.

  26. Go for a walk in the middle of the day just for fun and refreshment.

  27. Get or write a 5 minute speech about anything then video tape yourself reading it, as if you're giving the direct to a crowd.

  28. Pick up the phone when a stranger calls and pitch an idea.

  29. Write who you are in one (1) sentence in the morning. Read it throughout the day and revise it 2 times; once in the afternoon and in the evening.

  30. Share what you learned from this challenge on Facebook or Instagram. In Your Post Tag: @f50woman #F50WDiscomfortChallange, #F50Man (this is for Men too).

Share Your Experience Here!!

F50W | Discomfort